VDWS license
VDWS license card about your skills

The advantages of the VDWS license
- You receive a systematic structure and will recognize your learning success.
- You are shown perspectives. E.g. what could be the next learning steps
- Your license is a certificate that proves your ability and helps you to kite in certain places where a license is required.
- Material rental is only possible upon presentation of a wind kite license.
- Water sports are supported and promoted globally.

A license gives confidence
“The document guarantees that all holders of this certificate have the necessary basic knowledge and skills and can practice their sport carefully in harmony with nature and the environment and in the interest of other water sports enthusiasts.”

Kitesurf certificate
The kite certificate serves as a certificate of qualification for kiters who have proven their knowledge and ability in a practical and theoretical exam. The training is very practice-oriented, however, includes 1h theory with exam. The basic certificate is the ideal basis for getting started in kite sports.
Practical exam
In the practical part, the following is checked, e.g.: (Starting, landing and safely controlling the kite or water start, stay upwind and go up wind) This part can also be checked during the course during a lesson.
Theoretical examination
Materials science, wind windows, general legal knowledge, safety, wind, weather and district conditions. For the theoretical examination, a questionnaire must be completed. The possible total and minimum scores are indicated on the questionnaire. If the result of the examination is in the lower limit, an supplementary oral examination can be carried out on the basis of comparable questions from the other questionnaires.
A repetition of the exam is possible after a reasonable learning time.
Kitesurfing levels
The VDWS credit card license is built up in 7 stages, and forms the basis for the training:
- Level 1: General safety, getting going preparation, starting exercises, first flying exercises, bodydrag
- Level 2: Bodydrag, kite relaunch on the water
- Level 3: Complete waterstart, first experiences on the kiteboard (at least 50 m driven)
- Theorie: General theory concerning safety, behavior on the water, giving way and technique
- Level 4: Kiting on the reach, steering, keeping height
- Level 5: Getting windward = riding up wind
- Level 6: Basic jumps and carved jibe or transition jump
- Level 7: Rotations or Kite loop, grabs, one Foot, board off or railey

Windsurfing certificate
The training for the VDWS Windsurfing – Licence includes (depending on previous knowledge) approx. 10 – 12 hours. A practical and a theoretical exam is required for this.
Practical exam
Rigging and unrigging the sail, knots, pick up the sail, starting position, aligning board, starting, steering and windsurfing the various courses, turning, emergency stop, crossing to windward. The test should be carried out with wind up to 3 Beaufort. The practical test is passed when the required exercises and maneuvers have been carried out safely. This also means that the student returns to his starting point under normal wind and wave conditions.
Theoretical examination
Materials Science, General Law, Sailing Theory, Safety, Nature and Environment, Knots and their Application.
For the theoretical examination, a questionnaire must be completed. The possible total and minimum scores are indicated on the questionnaire. If the result of the examination is in the lower limit, an oral supplementary examination can be carried out on the basis of comparable questions from the other questionnaires.
A repetition of the exam is possible after a reasonable learning time.
Basic license levels
The VDWS Windsurf Basic License builds up in 7 stages, and forms the basis of windsurfing.
- Level 1: Wind detection, starting, edging an luffing techniques, bearing away), changing direction
- Level 2: Longboard, fast tack and jibe
- Level 3: beach start, surfing with harness
- Theory:materials science, general law, right of way rules, sailing theory, safety, nature and environment, knots and their application.
- Level 4: Leeride, Sail rotation
- Level 5: Funboard, planing, surfing footsstraps
- Level 6: Water Start
- Level 7: Power Jibe
open from April 1th to November 3th 2025
Garganosurf, the largest water sports center in southern Italy.
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